A place for modern philosophical debate. Join a book talk, read a blog post, sponsor an event.


The Nia Lyceum 2.0 is a gathering place for thoughtful discussion, named after the school my parents ran for 40 years (1972-2012) — The Nia Lyceum Academy in Brooklyn, New York. Our inherited guiding principle, The Way, The Truth, The Life, borrows from John 14:6. The goal, as set by the original founders Jeirlynn and Lawrence Foy is to “Captivate, Motivate, Educate.”

I hope that you find this space one of interest, community, and fun. Join a book talk, read a blog post, or sponsor an event!


Current Book Talk


The 1619 Project: A New Origin Story


Fridays (biweekly)
7pm – 8:30pm

Sponsor: Dix Hills United Methodist Church

Contact for Information:
